
Home Security Guide (Page 18)

Making Your Home Secure From the Foundations Up

If you’ve taken the big step of having a new home built, it makes sense to ensure it’s as safe and secure as possible by implementing an advanced home automation security system during construction. You’re building your dream home; surely a significant part of that dream is that you and your family can live in complete comfort and safety within its walls? Integrating a future-ready security... ❯❯❯

How To Prevent a Home Invasion

There are a seriously high number of burglaries every year, and it is the responsibility of the homeowner to do everything they can to be less at risk from being targeted by these criminals, and being protected to a high level is one way to put intruders off. There are various ways to add to your home security, and here are a few great ways to do so: Get Technical You don’t have to learn how to... ❯❯❯

How to Choose the Most Fireproof & Secure Safes

How to Choose the Most Fireproof & Secure SafesFire damage remains one of the leading causes of personal property damage and loss. The National Fire Protection Association reported 484,500 structure fires in 2011, resulting in $9.7 billion in property damage (1). Statistics like these highlight the need to protect the things you treasure most. Many documents, heirloom jewelry, and electronic media files are irreplaceable if they are destroyed... ❯❯❯

How to Respond To a Security System Alarm

The nightly sequence has become a familiar routine: Your security system is active and armed. You have checked to insure the doors and windows are locked, and you have set the garage door opener to ignore wireless signals. You are ready for bed, and it feels good to know an invisible barrier of protection is guarding your home and your family. You can sleep well, knowing that both you and the... ❯❯❯

Protect Your Home Or Business From Lock Bumping

Protect Your Home Or Business From Lock BumpingThe videos on lock bumping are all over the Internet and on local news stations throughout the country. It is becoming common knowledge how to bypass a lock using the method called lock bumping. The spread of this information is causing great concern for individual safety and security for home and business.As a security professional, I am often asked, “Can people really open locks that easy?”... ❯❯❯

An Spy In Your Living Room – Security Inside Your Home

Keeping your eyes peeled is something that every detective knows how to do, but the average person, probably doesn’t notice half of the things in their surroundings that a trained detective does. This often results in crimes happening in your own home, and sometimes by people that you know and trust. If you have ever been the victim of a burglar coming into your home and steeling your valuables,... ❯❯❯

What Do Professional Thieves Look for When Selecting Their Next Location?

What Do Professional Thieves Look for When Selecting Their Next Location?We all know that personal safety is important, but sometimes you forget that it is also important to keep our house or business safe while you are away. The statistics for burglaries in the United States are really shocking. About every twelve seconds a burglary takes place, and Americans loose over three Billion dollars from thieves during home and office burglaries every year. Follow these... ❯❯❯

Home Security: Safeguard Your Yard

Understanding how a burglar selects a target can help homeowners reduce their chances of being a victim. Most burglaries occur at homes that appear to have quick, easy access and/or lots of cover that reduces the chance of being seen. Think of landscaping and exterior security devices as your first line of defense. Following are tips to safeguard your yard. Lighting Use automatic timers on... ❯❯❯

Doors With Glass Panels - An Easy Way In For The Burglar

If the entrance door to your home is fitted with glass panels, or there is a glass panel right next to the door, you have yourself a home security risk. Doors with glass panes allow light into what otherwise would be dark hallways, but from a security point of view they are a poor design. It does not take much for a burglar to break that glass, reach in and open the latch, or turn the knob on... ❯❯❯

Wireless Nanny Cameras - For Your Children's Sake

Wireless nanny cameras are now popular gadgets in many US-families. While we may wish otherwise, most nannies are strangers for us. However hard we can try, even if we spend hours talking to them, we may never know who they really are. The effect is, when you leave home, your children have to stay with a person we do not know anything about. Wireless nanny cameras are one of the few things we can... ❯❯❯

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