
How To Prevent a Home Invasion

There are a seriously high number of burglaries every year, and it is the responsibility of the homeowner to do everything they can to be less at risk from being targeted by these criminals, and being protected to a high level is one way to put intruders off. There are various ways to add to your home security, and here are a few great ways to do so:

Get Technical

You don’t have to learn how to rewire an entire house or take a yearlong computer course to become a little more technical with your home security. Installing security systems such as CCTV cameras and alarms are a great idea and do not take too long to get to grips with. They could come in very handy if your home is broken into, as it could capture the thieves on tape and lead to a conviction. In most instances, having an alarm system or cameras outside a property will give a clear warning to thieves to stay well clear of your home.

Heavy duty Security

Your windows, doors and your garage are the three main entry points for an intruder to focus upon, so any steps you can take to securing these areas are going to pay dividends in the long run. At the same time however, you don’t want your home to look like a prison or fortress, as you still want your home to be pleasing to the eye for you and visitors. Luckily, advances in security technology has meant that security shutters, grilles and roller garage doors are extremely strong products but also manufactured in a way so that they blend in with the aesthetic of the home, whilst giving solid, heavy duty security to your home and peace of mind for you, the owner.

Don’t Advertise Your Home

Having security products, technical systems and great locks is fantastic, but they won’t amount to anything if you are advertising your home to burglars. This could be anything from keeping windows open when there is nobody in the home or not letting neighbours or family members know when you are away on holiday. If burglars have been keeping an eye on your home and have seen that nobody has been around for a while, that is when they are most likely going to take a closer look to see who is home. If you have let people know you are going away, the chances are that most would-be intruders will stay well clear, not risking the chance of being caught in the act.

Daley is enjoys writing about home security and he works with the LBS Group to help make all homes secure and safe from intruders.