Surveillance cameras (wireless or wired) are great for finding out at the door or nosing around the garage, or whose mutt is digging up your vegetable garden. But until lately only the rich and famous could afford security cameras. Now you can purchase and install your own wireless color camera security system for just a few hundred dollars. Home security cameras can be bought over the Internet... ❯❯❯
Even the smallest of house fires can fill your home with dangerous smoke in a few minutes. It is important that you choose the right smoke detectors for your home, install them correctly, and test them at regular intervals. There are two types of residential smoke detectors available: photoelectric and ionization. With a photoelectric detector, light is beamed into a chamber that contains a... ❯❯❯
Most intruders go in and out of your house the same way you do - through the doors - so all doors in your home should be protected. Keep in mind that you must protect more than just your front and back doors. There is also the sliding door to the patio, the door to the basement from the outside and the door to the house from the garage. Burglars break windows as a last resort - or by accident.... ❯❯❯
The most important thing to remember in a fire situation is the speed of fire spread in a structure. When talking to people who have just experienced a fire incident the most common comment is how fast the fire intensified. Most of our personal experience with fire is the back yard grill or campfire. These always seem to take a long time to ignite and grow. The same cannot be said for a structure... ❯❯❯
Almost every day you see or hear about a home invasion. Maybe the perpetrator got shot as in Albuquerque, New Mexico recently. Within the space of two months Albuquerque homeowners shot and killed an intruder on three separate occasions . Fortunately the "Castle Doctrine" is in play and the homeowners will be protected. Home invasion is an insidious form of burglary only committed when the... ❯❯❯
Emergency (pl. –ies) - a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate attention. About half of all Americans say they now have a disaster supplies kit, the other half do not. In which half are you? Less than half of all Americans have an evacuation plan, more than half do not. In which half are you? There are 163,000,000 dogs and cats in the US, yet 65% of... ❯❯❯
Various personal protection products can be found in specialty stores. These items will help a family protect themselves and their hard working money. It is time individuals stood up and refuses to be victims of a robbery. What's worse than just a plain robbery is if the family or the teenagers are home by themselves. An individual can purchase many useful tools to become safer and more secure... ❯❯❯
The cameras of monitoring each are used where nowadays, all the malls and almost all the stores and small stores installed cams of monitoring to stop flights and burgling. You must have probably intended to speak about the net of the cams in the casinos of Las Vegas, yes without cameras which the supervisory staff will not be 1/10th like effective. The catch the selection of the commercial... ❯❯❯
Most people will agree that the world in which we live today, is a lot different from what it was when our grandparents were children. Statistics show that a burglary occurs every 14 seconds. In many societies people are separated into distinct classes, depending on their positions in life, the cars they drive and how much money they earn. This is one of the main reasons why crimes are so... ❯❯❯
The National Fire Protection Association reports that in 2003 there were 3925 deaths due to house fires. Furthermore, in the United States, someone dies in a fire every 134 minutes. Sadly, while children under the age of five make up only nine percent of the population, they make up seventeen percent of fire deaths. These statistics are downright frightening, but the good news is that there are... ❯❯❯