
Furnish your Home without Breaking the Bank

Furniture is something that every home needs to feel complete. And that furniture can cost a pretty penny if you aren’t careful. Just because every home needs furniture, though, doesn’t mean that you should be prepared to spend any amount of money on it. Besides a budget, a clear plan for what you need and where to find it will help save a great deal of money. The tips below not only expand on those sentiments, but also add new information to help save you more on furniture. 

Shop with a Budget in Mind

One of the easiest ways to save money on furniture purchases is to shop with a clear budget in mind. Buying your furniture on a credit card is easy to do because the items are necessities. This can and should be avoided, however, in order to save money. First, hold out for a great deal and buy something you actually need. Next, give yourself an allowance and make sure you have the available cash before going out to shop so you spend what you’ve budgeted for. It is also a good idea to start setting money aside before you know you’ll be shopping for new furniture. When planning ahead hasn't been an option and you find yourself in desperate need of a new sofa before you are able to save, you may benefit from the help of payday loans online.

Plan your Purchases Based from Needs 

Make a list of exactly what you need for your home before you go to the store. With a clear list and a plan, you can make sure that you purchase only what you have already planned to buy, what you really need, and nothing else. By having a clear plan and a list, you can avoid the pitfalls of a furniture upsale, which can include additional items or a nicer version of the item. Ultimately, the list will help avoid impulse buys that could have a negative impact on your bank account. 

As a final note for your planning and list making, make sure you are buying only what you really need to furnish your home. Do you need both a sofa and a love seat? Can you live with just a sofa? Consider scaling back your list to things that you really need and not what you would want if money were not an option. Remember, too, that your purchases don’t all have to be made at once. You can get that sofa right away, but you might want to hold off on the love seat until your next paycheck. 

Shop, Shop, Shop, Negotiate, Negotiate, Negotiate 

With the Internet and the simple abundance of furniture stores, it is easier than ever to shop around and find the best deal possible. Use online stores to cross-reference what you see in person at the furniture store and find the best deal possible. Stores are often willing to price match or beat prices of competitors if you can prove where and when you saw the better price. Past being simple bargaining chips, online stores might offer the best prices overall so don’t be afraid to go that route for your purchases. 

Even if, after shopping around, you haven’t found a better deal on the furniture, try simply asking for a lower price from a salesperson to see what he or she can do for you. If you make friends with the salesperson while shopping, that person will be even more likely to cut you a deal. And remember, if you can’t get a better deal at the store you are shopping at, go somewhere else.

Try Used Furniture

Does a family member or friend have an old piece of furniture they aren’t using anymore? Does that thrift store down the street have an inexpensive furniture item that you need? Just because you are dealing with upholstery doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try a second-hand couch to save money.

You can likely get free items—or at least more inexpensive ones—going this route. A quick refurbishing or slip cover might be all that couch requirements to meet all your needs.

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