5 Things to Look for in a Home Alarm System
Protecting what we value the most should be a top priority in our lives. Because home and family are at the top of the priority list, it is imperative that they be protected. Protection need not costs thousands of dollars and include difficult installation and use. By researching effective modern alarms, homes can be protected today for only a fraction of the price that was quoted just 5 years ago.
By installing a wireless alarm system, it is possible to save hundreds of dollars on installation. The ease with which a wireless system can be fitted into your home generally means that it is portable as well. Should you move to a new home, you can take your system with you. A digital system can typically be armed and disarmed with a key fob device or a mobile app making it more user friendly than a pad that may be wired to your wall.
Area Specific Cameras
Cameras can be an integral part of a home security system. When placed in specific areas they can be useful for many tasks. A camera, when mounted at the front entrance of a home can serve as an alert that you are about to have a visitor, allowing you the time to decide if it is safe to answer the door, or if you have time to speak with the potential guest. When concealed in a family room or a child's playroom, a nanny cam will not only alert parents to the actions of those left to care for their children, but may also assist parents in settling sibling disputes.
Cell Phone Compatible
Today is a day of instant information. Texts are sent and responded to with lightning speed and answers to almost every question can be found with a simple internet search. In wired alarm systems, the alarm, when activated would prompt a call using the home telephone line to an operator who would then call the local police department. Today those steps can be shortened dramatically. With the right alarm system, a trigger on a window, door or object will send an immediate text and email to the owner's cell phone allowing them to contact the local authorities.
Live Video
Knowing that something has tripped an alarm system for home can be disconcerting at best. If you are miles away with no one available to check on your home, you may need to contact your local police department for assistance. The down side to this is that some departments, annoyed by the high rate of false alarms (some studies claim as high as 98%) are beginning to charge a fee if they come to check on your home and it is only a false alarm. By having live video feed available with your security system, you gain not only the ability to see what may have set off the alarm, but also may save money by not having to call for assistance.
Many people today are looking for ways to save money when installing a security system. One place that you do not want to skimp is on your signage. By having appropriately placed yard and window signs, you will ward off intruders from the road. Homes that have a yard sign are less likely to be burglarized, though a sign alone is often not enough.
Article Written by Jen Blair of The Sprightly Shopper, Follow her on Twitter @sprightlyshopr
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