
Tips for Keeping Your Pool Filter Clean

A clean pool filter is absolutely necessary if you want clean, sparkling water. Most pools use cartridge style filters that need to be cleaned annually. You will need to have your manufacturer's instructions for removing and replacing the cartridges before you begin this project.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is the best way to ensure your pool filter is clean. Most cartridge filters will need to be cleaned at least once every six months or when the PSI of the cartridge begins to rise. Most homeowners also clean their filters anytime there is a lot of debris. For instance, during the autumn you may have a lot of leaves in your pool that can reduce the effectiveness of pool filters. On the other hand, cleaning too often may cause you to need to replace your pool filters earlier. Set a regular maintenance schedule that fits your personal needs and stick to it to maintain the cleanliness of cartridge style filters.

Some homeowners recommend switching out two sets of filters to help the filters last longer. If you plan on soaking your pool filters overnight, this is also a good way to be sure that your pool stays clean while the second set of filters are soaking. Two sets of filters can last as long as ten years when cleaned and cared for properly.

Extend the Life of Your Cartridges

You can extend the life of your cartridge style pool filters and the most popular intex pool filters by following some basic steps. You should clean the cartridges gently using a water hose. You will want to avoid using a brush on the filter because the bristles can bend and tear the filter, causing it to become ineffective. Soaking the filter will remove oil buildup from sunscreen and other products in the pool. It is important to read the instructions on your sanitizing agents before using any type of cleaner on your pool filters. Some types of sanitizers will interact with other products and result in a gummy buildup on the filters that can't be removed. Reading the instructions on all the products you use in your pool will help you avoid accidental ruining an otherwise good pool filter.

You will use a commercial enzyme based cleaning product if oils are present. The enzymes will break the oil down and remove it without damaging the components of the filter. If you don't have an enzyme cleaner, you can soak the filters in dishwasher detergent and water. You will need to use five gallons of water per cup of dishwasher detergent to clean your pool filters. Allow the filters to sit in your cleaning solution overnight whenever possible and make sure to rinse the filters well before returning them to your pool.

Keep the Water Clean

Skimming leaves and other debris out of the water is one of the best ways to keep debris out of your pool filter. The water should be cleaned daily if you have a lot of leaves and other debris in the pool or weekly if you don't have a lot of trees on your property. Today, you can find small robotic pool cleaners that will keep the surface area of the pool clean. These robotic pool cleaners are designed to pick up the very small pieces of debris that sink to the bottom of the pool but aren't a good choice for removing leaves or needles from trees. This option can help extend the life of your filters if you are looking for a simple solution to cleaning smaller particles out of the pool.

When to Replace

Replacing pool filters is often a matter of personal preference. Some homeowners like to make replacements bi-annually while others prefer to wait until replacing the filters is a necessity. Being proactive is a wise idea if you want to be sure that the water in your pool is as clean as possible. Pool filters that have risen 8 PSI over their original starting PSI will need to be replaced. Broken or damaged filters also need to be replaced. Visually checking filters at least every six months will allow you to replace broken filters before your water quality is affected.

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