
Aluminium Fencing vs. Picket Fencing - How Do I Choose?

If you are going to be installing a new fence in the near future, choosing what type of material the fence will be made out of is a big decision for several reasons. First of all, the cost of different materials can vary greatly. You do not want to go broke putting in your new fence, but you also want a fence that is going to last for many years and increase the value of your property. Certain materials can last much longer than others, especially if you are living in a climate where the fence will be exposed to harsh weather.

Two of the more popular types of fences are picket and aluminium. Both of these fences have their own advantages. If you are having a hard time deciding which one to choose, the following article will give you some information about each of them.

Advantages of aluminium fencing

When it comes to materials for a fence, aluminium has a few advantages over galvanized steel, wrought iron and wood fences. The biggest advantage is that aluminium is able to stay in good condition for decades without any major deterioration occurring. On the average, it is also cheaper to buy and simpler to install than many of the other fence materials on the market. Any components that get damaged are able to be individually replaced. Many different styles and colours of aluminium fencing are available at large home improvement retailers. They can also be custom made so they match the landscaping and architecture of your house. Aluminium fences are made in industrial, commercial and residential grades. Most manufacturers of this type of fencing include a lifetime warranty with the purchase of their product.

Aluminium fences almost never need to be replaced. They also do not rot or rust like many of the other fencing materials. The components used to fasten these fences are made from either fiberglass or stainless steel. They are typically powder coated so they will be able to have a finish that is attractive during the entire life of the fence. The price of aluminium is usually lower than many of the other materials that are commonly used to make fences. Because it is lightweight, it also costs less to install. Fences made from aluminium are easier to install on ground that is sloped or uneven than traditional fencing. This is because of its adaptable design.

Advantages of picket fences

Picket fences have the ability to improve a garden and the overall appearance of a house, thus improving its curb appeal. The cost of a picket fence is low compared to how much better your house will look to neighbours and any potential buyers.

There are different types of picket fences available. For example, a person can choose how much space is between each picket, as well as the height and shape of each picket. A homeowner must decide their specific needs before purchasing a fence. The different styles of picket fences make them easy to adapt to many different house architectural designs.


Privacy is a key issue for many people. There are picket fences available that can solve this problem. A person who wants privacy can purchase a picket fence with no spaces between the pickets. This type of fence usually has pickets that are between six and eight feet high, making it difficult for a person to look over the top of the fence. While this type of fence does offer privacy, there is also one major problem with it. Because the pickets in a privacy fence are so tightly nailed together, they are not able to expand due to heat or moisture. This means that bowing or warping will most likely occur in the future.


A shadowbox picket fence blends together features of both a spaced picket fence and a privacy fence. The spaces between the pickets are the same width as the pickets themselves. There is also another row of pickets that is attached to the opposite side of the fence. These pickets cover the gaps between the pickets on the opposite side. This style of picket fence uses more pickets than the traditional style, so the price is usually higher. However, it provides a unique look for people looking for something that is a bit different from standard picket fencing, while also maintaining their privacy.

Lattice top

A lattice top picket fence is perfect for people who are interested in their fence having an intricate look. The basic structure of the fence consists of a privacy fence. After it has been installed, lattice panels are then attached to the top of the pickets and the posts. The lattice work adds some detail that is lacking in other varieties of picket fences. It also makes the fence taller.


Dave Ward is the owner of Perth fencing company, Awards Fencing. Catch Dave on Google+ and ask him a question today!

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